This document contains information about known problems concerning the use of Internet Explorer 3.01 and AT&T WorldNet Service.
Why can't I cancel registration?
If you cancel the registration process or decline to accept the AT&T license agreement once you are connected to the registration server, you will be returned to the Internet Connection Wizard. The Internet Connection Manager has no way of knowing that you cancelled out of registration, so if you click on the Next button it will try to begin the registration process again. Instead, you should click on the Cancel button, which will quit the Internet Connection Wizard.
Why does the Download Manager appear when I register my AT&T WorldNet Service account?
When you click on the Register Now button in the final registration screen, Microsoft Internet Explorer downloads the files it needs to complete the registration. As these files are retrieved, the Download Manager (a new feature of version 3.01) appears on the screen. This is normal and only indicates that Microsoft Internet Explorer is retrieving the files it needs. Note: you will also see this behavior if you click a Cancel button on any of the registration screens; at that point, the Download Manager will download a cancel command. However, it will not leave any files on your hard disk.
Icons corrupted after installation
Occasionally, the installation program does not correctly setup the icons for the AT&T WorldNet Software. The system will display generic icons rather than the correct icons. This problem can be fixed by rebuilding the desktop. Follow these steps:
1. Restart your Macintosh
2. While the computer is starting, hold down the / and Option keys.
3. A message will be displayed asking if you want to rebuild the desktop. Click the Yes button. Your Macintosh will begin rebuilding its desktop. The process takes about three to five minutes.
Error: ╥Unable to open the setup page file ':InternetSetup:signup.htm' "
This error indicates that the installation program cannot locate a file it needs to continue the setup process. You must quit the setup program and reinstall.
Auto-downloading e-mail may interfere with composing new e-mail
If your preferences for Internet mail and news are set to automatically download your e-mail every few minutes, you will see a download progress box every time your computer checks for incoming mail. If you are composing new mail when this box appears, do not type any additional characters until the progress box goes away. Anything you type while this box is on the screen will be lost.
Clicking Next on "Welcome" page doesn't move to the next page
The ╥Welcome╙ page contains a service agreement. You must select Yes or No at the bottom of this agreement before you will be allowed to proceed to the next page.
JavaScript pages cause "JScript security violation"
Sometimes this error appears when loading a JavaScript page. It indicates a failure to load a particular object on the page. If you click on the OK button, you will still be able to load the page, but the object that caused the problem will be missing. Important note: despite the error, your computer is secure; this error simply is warning you of some JavaScript difficulties.
Java pages may load very slowly
Sometimes Java pages load very slowly. If this occurs frequently enough to be annoying, turn off Microsoft Internet Explorer╒s Java support.
Some Favorites may not link to the correct page
Because of the dynamic nature of the World Wide Web, site addresses may change or become obsolete. As a result, you may select a Favorite and find you receive an error message. Your software is working correctly, but that address may not be valid. Try accessing the page later in the day; if you are still unsuccessful, you may wish to delete that Favorite from your list.
Trouble dragging images to the desktop
Sometimes, dragging an image to the desktop will produce an HTML (HyperText Markup Language) document containing information describing the entire page instead of placing just the desired image on your hard disk; in other cases, dragging an image will not download any data. We recommend using the ╥Download this image to disk╙ feature of Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. To use this feature, click and hold an image until a pop-up menu appears. Then, select the featrure to download the image to your hard disk.
PPP fails to disconnect when exiting the browser
If PPP fails to disconnect when you shut down the browser software, you will need to shut it down manually. This is done in the Control Panels folder under the Apple menu.
If you are using MacPPP, select Config PPP 2.5. Then click the Close button.
If you are using OT/PPP, select PPP. Then click the Disconnect button.
PPP fails to disconnect when timer set
If PPP fails to disconnect automatically after the selected period of time (the default is 10 minutes), you will need to reset the disconnect option. To do this, go to the Control Panels folder under the Apple menu and select PPP. When PPP opens, select the middle tab, Connection. Note the check box next to the Disconnect if idle for 10 minutes option. If you see this box is empty, click on it to put an ╥x╙ in the box to activate it; if you see the box is already checked, click on it to uncheck it and then click on it again (make sure the box has an ╥x╙ in it now) to re-activate it. This will reset the auto-disconnect for 10 minutes. (You may also use this opportunity to change the ╥10╙ minutes to another amount of time if you prefer.) Click the OK button at the bottom of the screen. This will return you to the original PPP window, which you simply close by single-clicking in the close box in the upper left corner.
Some modem selections in the Modem List may not work
You may find that you have selected the correct modem choice in the Modem control panel but find that you receive error messages when you try to connect to AT&T WorldNet Service. Modem manufacturers sometimes alter configurations before we have a chance to update the list of choices. If you find this situation, select a different, but similar (in modem speed) choice. For further information, see the Selecting a modem section above.
Error sending or receiving e-mail for the first time
Note: There is a delay of three to four hours from the time you sign up for the AT&T WorldNet Service before you will be able to send and receive e-mail. This is normal. DO NOT attempt the fix described below unless the problem persists beyond the normal delay period.
If you get an ╥Invalid username/password╙ error while trying to send or receive e-mail for the first time, you may need to re-enter your e-mail password. To do this:
1. Launch Internet Mail and News 3.0 from the Microsoft Internet Applications folder.
2. From the Edit menu, select Preferences, and choose Mail Server from the list box on the left.
3. In the POP Password field, re-enter your e-mail password, even if one already exists in this box. For security reasons, the actual text is not displayed on the screen. Bullets will appear for each character entered.
4. Close the Preferences dialog box by clicking the OK button at the bottom of the screen. You are now ready to send and receive e-mail in Microsoft Internet Explorer through your AT&T WorldNet Service account.
Copyright 1997 AT&T.
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time it was initially released. However, the information is subject to change. AT&T assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in the document.
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